Which Businesses Will Be Able To Use Backing Music


It is a good idea to set the tone for your business. You may not have the time to hire a whole band for your venue, so you may just want to use a singer with a backing track.

You can buy thousands of tracks from specialist sites so that your guests will be entertained thoroughly. Which businesses will be able to use these backing tracks?

Cruise Ships

1) Cruise ships often have a wide variety of entertainment so that the guests will have an excellent time whilst they are sailing on the oceans. You can research where to find a backing track online and buy some tracks that a vocalist will be able to sing along to. This could be in a wide variety of styles, depending on what types of guests are on the cruise.

2) For example, if it is a cruise for elderly people, you will want to have some music that is the classic hits of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.


1) Instead of hiring a DJ, you may want to change things around and hire a singer for one night at your club. This will give your regular punters a different experience to their usual Friday night. In order for the singer to be successful, you will need to have some quality tracks for them to sing along to. This should include current hits by the likes of Beyoncé and Lady Gaga.

2) These tracks will get people into the mood so that they are going to have a very memorable evening.


1) Your hotel will have regular functions where you hire a singer to entertain your guests whilst they are attending a function. You will want to choose some tasteful music that will set the tone for the evening.

2) You can choose lots of different tracks so the singer has a variety of styles to entertain the guests in your hotel.


1) You can buy some backing music for your bar, which people can sing along to at an open-mic night. Karaoke nights will be very popular with your patrons, and you can turn this into a monthly or a weekly event. You should choose a wide range of popular tracks so that people have things to sing along to.

Shopping Centres

1) Your shopping centre can host singing competitions which will attract people to take part. This can encourage people to shop inside the centre at the same time. You should choose a wide range of different tracks that people will be able to sing along to.


1) Your theatre production might involve segments where the actors sing. You can buy tracks that the actors will be able to sing effectively and the audience will be thoroughly entertained. These tracks will be professionally produced.


Theatres, shopping centres and cruise ships can buy tracks that people are able to sing along to, whether they are professional singers or they are amateur singers. These tracks can be stored on your business computer.